Press Releases

Nacon announces the 100% acquisition of Ishtar Games

NACON announces that it has finalized the signature of an acquisition agreement for 100% of the Ishtar Games studio. This transaction will be accompanied by the creation of the Ishtar label in order to develop the creation and marketing of high-potential “independent” games.

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NACON announces Cricket 22

Big Ant Studios and Nacon are thrilled to announce that the long-awaited Cricket 22: The Official Game of The Ashes will arrive this November. A true next-generation effort that builds on the massive success of Cricket 19, Cricket 22 will deliver the most robust, substantial game of cricket that fans have ever seen.

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NACON annonce Cricket 22

Big Ant Studios et NACON sont ravis d’annoncer que le très attendu Cricket 22: The Official Game of The Ashes sortira en novembre. S’appuyant sur le succès de Cricket 19, Cricket 22 est la simulation de cricket la plus exhaustive sur consoles de nouvelle génération.

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Nacon annonce l’acquisition de 46,85% du capital de Lunar Great Wall Studios et porte ainsi la participation de la Société à 100 % du capital social ; Nacon a également procédé à une émission d’actions nouvelles dans le cadre de l’acquisition du studio australien Big Ant Studios.

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